Christ, Prince of PeaceMay the peace of Christ be with youLEARN MORE/about-us_self
Christ, Prince of Peace Parish is a welcoming, family-friendly community of believers, who find peace in God’s presence and joyfully express the Catholic faith through sacramental worship, formation and education, Christian fellowship and social outreach.
The CPOP Day School Girl Scout Troops 310 (4th grade) and 1441 (Kindergarten & 1st grade) will be selling cookies after masses February 15-16 and February 22-23 while supplies last. Proceeds support the troops’ activities, including field trips, earning badges, and much more! Your support means the world to us!
We are excited to invite you and your family to trek with us on the ultimate Alaskan adventure this summer at CPOP VBS. VBS will take place June 23-27 from 9:00 AM - Noon each day. The registration form can be found by clicking the QR code above. Students who are currently in ELC 3 through 4th grade are invited to register as a participant. Students currently in 5th grade through college are invited to register as a volunteer.
We are also looking for parents to help volunteer. This is a great way to meet other members of our CPOP community. Check out the registration form for more details. Please reach out to Mrs. Fichter at if you have any questions.
Monday, February 3rd is the feast of St . Blasé. There will be a blessing of the throats after the 8:00 Mass. (The children in both day and evening school will receive a blessing on Monday during their classes.)
Here is a little bit of information on St. Blasé:
St. Blaise was a bishop and a doctor for people and animals. To avoid being caught, he lived in a cave outside of the city. Legend has it that sick animals would come to him to be cured. But if St. Blaise was praying, the animals would patiently wait so as not to disturb his prayers.
In the year 316, some hunters stumbled upon St. Blaise praying on his knees with bears, lions, and wolves around him. This surprised the hunters but did not keep them from arresting him for being a Christian. On his way to prison, a woman brought her son who was choking on a fish bone to him. St. Blaise said a prayer, and the boy stopped choking.
According to another legend, a poor woman complained to St. Blaise that her pig had been stolen by a wolf. The saint ordered the wolf to return the pig alive and uninjured. The wolf obeyed. After he was in prison, this poor woman brought him two wax candles to light his dark cell.
Often this saint is pictured holding two candles, or in a cave with wild animals.
St. Blase, pray for us
Join young adults (18-39) throughout the Archdiocese of St. Louis to pray for an end to abortion and promote a greater respect for all human life. This annual Archdiocesan event, co-sponsored by Anima Christi, Salt + Light, and the Respect Life Apostolate, will be held Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis.
The evening will begin with a Gospel of Life reflection by Jamie LaBelle, Catholic wife, adoptive mother, and Archdiocesan staff member. Jamie is employed by both the Respect Life Apostolate and Office of Peace & Justice. After her reflection, Eucharistic Adoration, the Holy Rosary, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered. A dessert social will then follow in Boland Hall. For more information, contact or 314.792.7555.
After two days of resting and diagnostic tests at Rome’s Gemelli Hospital, Pope Francis is now undergoing treatment for a polymicrobial respiratory infection, and his clinical status has been defined...
After being admitted to Rome’s Gemelli Hospital Friday for treatment of persistent bronchitis, Pope Francis remains in stable condition and is alternating periods of rest and reading.
Vic Hinterlang
A volunteer at a Catholic Charities Humanitarian Respite Center helps a Central American refugee family.
A helpful glossary of key players and...
Daniel Ibáñez/CNA
Statues illuminated in ethereal blue light during the special evening access to St. Peter's Basilica for the Jubilee of Artists, February 16, 2025.