Jesus realized when he returned to His Father, that the people here on earth would miss his physical presence. We, as members of God’s Church, are the Body of Christ reaching out to others.
In that spirit, the Bereavement Ministry, as a part of the CPOP community, offers support and friendship to parishioners who have suffered the loss of someone they love. Members of this ministry communicate with those left behind. This can be in the form of telephone conversations, text messages, written notes, and/or a booklet that provides help in recognizing the signs of grief and tips on handling it. Members of the ministry team seek to respond in this way to their brothers and sisters in our parish community by offering friendship and support in whatever way best meets the specific needs of each parishioner. In this way Jesus’s continued physical presence here on earth can be found through the members of our parish community.
For information please call Kevin King - 314-640-4208