The Pastoral Council, also known as Parish Council, is an advisory council that assists the pastor in determining the vision and goals of the parish.
Jim Ruggeri, Chairperson, 636-391-6486
Rita Wylie, Co-Chairperson, 636-227-4027
Rene Callahan, 314-471-1400
Diane Duenez, 636-391-1185
Steve Elster, 314-984-9461
Kasey Metzner, 314-698-2423
Dick Schenk, 636-891-1295
Jill Wenk, 314-374-2554
Bob Zangas, 636-391-8644
Rev. Christopher Dunlap, 636-391-1307
Deacon Patrick Belding, 314-223-4488