Some of the biggest questions of life seem to have no answer. Who are we? Who are we destined to be? What is the point of life? The good news is that God, in the person of Jesus, has given us the answer to all those questions. And the Catholic Church has been entrusted with giving those answers to the world.
At the same time, lots of people have questions about the Catholic Church. Why do we teach the things we teach and do the the things we do? So many times what the Church does seems to be arbitrary, weird, or even evil. If any of these questions have been on your heart, RCIA is a great place to start.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process by which adults become Catholic. The key word is process. The first part of the process is called Inquiry. During this time anyone who would like to simply explore and ask questions can do so, no strings attached.
Ultimately, if you choose to continue, the goal is to be welcomed into the Catholic Church. The program is designed for a person who was never baptized, baptized in another Christian Tradition, or baptized as Catholic but not raised as Catholic. And because it includes a survey of what the Church does and teaches, it is also good for Catholics who feel like they need to re-learn their faith.
If you are interested in having some of these questions answered. Or if you are ready to join the Catholic Church please give us a call, email, or reach out on Social Media. We would love to meet you.
Please call Fr. Chris Dunlap at 636-391-1307, ext. 308 or by email at