You are more than a nameless face. Scripture says God knew you before you were born, and to this day He sees you. We want to see you and know you too! If the Church is the Body of Christ, then the Catholic community is a way to draw closer to the Lord. As a child of God, you are endowed with unique gifts and talents for building up His kingdom. You can be a channel of Christ’s peace in your home, in our parish and in our world! Whether you’re a child, a teen, a parent, a single adult or an empty-nester; whether you’re a cradle Catholic, a convert or just curious; or whether you regularly attend Mass or have only attended a fish fry, the Holy Spirit welcomes you! We invite you to follow our Path to Catholic Community if you haven’t already. This process will help you register in the parish, enroll in our school or PSR program, learn more about CPOP and get involved in various groups and ministries. We want to know your name and help you get comfortable. This is our home and we enjoy being together. You will too.
“You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works! My very self you know;” (Psalms 139:13-14).